15 Best Property Law Podcasts

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The best Property Law podcasts from thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by relevancy, authority, social media followers & freshness.

Property Law Podcasts

Here are 15 Best Property Law Podcasts worth listening to in 2024

1. Attorney Dennis Block

Attorney Dennis Block Attorney Dennis Block is a landlord-tenant issue regarding California law. Topics deal with questions and answers regarding the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants. The podcast features the premier eviction attorney Dennis Block and his co-host Zachary Lawrence of Parkside Property Management.
Podcast evict123podcast.libsyn.com
Email ****@evict123.com
Apple Rating 4 / 5Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 2.3K Frequency 1 episode / week Avg Length 62 min Since Mar 2016 Listen on Apple Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com Copy email. We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.

2. The Real Estate Law Podcast

The Real Estate Law Podcast Welcome to The Real Estate Law Podcast, because real estate is more than just pretty pictures and the law goes well beyond the paperwork and courtroom arguments. Join hosts Jason Muth and Attorney / Broker Rory Gill for an entertaining and informative conversation about how and where the worlds of real estate and law intersect.
Podcast cms.megaphone.fm
Email ****@nexthometitletown.com
Facebook Followers 815Twitter Followers 5 Frequency 1 episode / week Avg Length 35 min Since Mar 2019 Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

3. PropertyCon

PropertyCon PropertyCon is a podcast for academics, students, and anyone else interested in property law. In this podcast, we look at all aspects of property from a primarily legal perspective, but also from social science and any other discipline when that is called for. Join for a monthly discussion on current issues relating to property law research, dealing with issues of social justice, sustainability, and PropTech.
Podcast podcasters.spotify.com
Email ****@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Facebook Followers 36Twitter Followers 229 Since Jul 2020 Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

4. Digging Into Land Use Law

Digging Into Land Use Law For more than 80 years, Nossaman has been home to some of the brightest legal minds and most creative thinkers. We know the land, the law, the courts and the lawmakers and have earned a national reputation for assisting clients in achieving their goals.
Podcast nossaman.com
Email ****@nossaman.com
Facebook Followers 133Twitter Followers 760 Frequency 1 episode / month Avg Length 34 min Since Nov 2020 Listen on Apple Spotify YouTube Get Email Contact

5. Zona Law Group Podcast

Zona Law Group Podcast Zona Law Group P.C. is the premier law firm representing Arizona property owners and managers with their residential real estate matters. Consistent with their belief that education is critical to avoid unnecessary litigation, the attorneys of Zona Law created this podcast to keep managers informed about important legal topics, including fair housing and landlord-tenant matters. Zona Law attorneys know that property management is an ever-changing business with difficult decisions and questions, and we are there to help managers find the answers.
Podcast buzzsprout.com
Email ****@zona.law
Apple Rating 5 / 5Facebook Followers 189 Since Feb 2020 Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

6. Land of a Billion

Land of a Billion The Land of a Billion is a fortnightly podcast that aims to look at the various issues that challenge our secure access to land, housing, and property rights in India, by bringing together leading policymakers, economists, and social workers, to delve into the stories, policies, laws, and economics around land and property.
Podcast thequint.com
Email ****@thequint.com
Apple Rating 5 / 5Facebook Followers 7.2MTwitter Followers 766.4K Since Dec 2020 Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

7. Around the Gavel by Morris Law Center

Around the Gavel by Morris Law Center Founded in 2015, Morris Law Center is an award-winning Las Vegas law firm. The firm brings over 30 years of legal and professional experience in the areas of estate planning, real estate, business, intellectual property law, and more.
Podcast soundcloud.com
Email ****@morrislawcenter.com
Apple Rating 5 / 5Facebook Followers 1.2KTwitter Followers 725 Since Aug 2019 Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

8. Holden Legal Live

Holden Legal Live A podcast about all things business and real estate law with Holden Legal Group Managing Member Matthew Holden.
Podcast podcasters.spotify.com
Email ****@holden-legal.com
Apple Rating 5 / 5Facebook Followers 113 Since Mar 2020 Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact


PROPERTY PODCAST We believe landlords matter. Creativelegals podcast is designed to help landlords. It is for both vanilla landlords and those doing creative deals. Creativelegals.com is a landlord focussed law firm committed to adding value to property investors. The Coronavirus Eviction Ban has affected us as landlords negatively. We want to help you with that process.
Podcast podcasters.spotify.com
Email ****@creativelegals.com
Facebook Followers 252Twitter Followers 101Instagram Followers 173 Since Jun 2020 Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

10. Up To Date Podcast

Up To Date Podcast A regular short update of the most important developments in the property law world from the junior barristers at Tanfield Chambers - listen to this podcast for the key aspects of a changing landscape.
Podcast podcasters.spotify.com
Twitter Followers 11 Since Jun 2020 Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

11. VVD Property Law Podcasts

VVD Property Law Podcasts Our mission is to expand the firm by providing market related and value adding legal services of the highest quality to our clients by means of the optimal use of the best available resources (in the form of personnel, equipment and technology).
Podcast podcasters.spotify.com
Email ****@vvd.co.za
Facebook Followers 2.4KTwitter Followers 226Instagram Followers 463 Since Jan 2021 Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

12. Property Legal 101

Property Legal 101 Property Legal 101 is a weekly podcast where I will discuss, simplify and explain different legal topics in relation to property transactions in England and Wales. I will use my experience as a solicitor to offer listeners a different perspective and my own insights on topics I cover.
Podcast property-legal-101.captivate.fm
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 7 Since Jul 2020 Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

13. Strata with Susan

Strata with Susan Your host, Susan Proctor, from Proctor Legal, is an Accredited Specialist in Property Law, whose daily focus is on helping clients with their legal requirements around strata, developments, and commercial property. This is the show where Susan will share her experience, knowledge, thoughts, and insights regarding current issues impacting strata communities from a variety of perspectives. She will welcome leading figures from the industry to join the discussion.
Podcast proctorlegal.com.au
Email ****@proctorlegal.com.au
Twitter Followers 3Instagram Followers 134 Since Oct 2020 Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

Show 14 to 688

Property Law Podcasters

Top podcast hosts and producers covering this topic. Get Spreadsheet
Podcaster Name Email Podcast Link Total Episodes Twitter Handle
Dennis Block evict123podcast.libsyn.com/attorney-dennis-block-zoom-landlordtenant-radio-talk-show-3-2-24 41 @dennisblock
Vvd Property Podcats podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vvd-property-podcats/episodes/23--Community-of-property-excluded-re-house--Can-only-one-spouse-sign-e11vi0l 40 @VanVeldenDuffey
Matthew Holden anchor.fm/holdenlegal/episodes/7--Business-Financial--Legal-Planning-Amidst-COVID-19-with-Rob-DePalo-eeofkl 26
Creativelegals anchor.fm/CreativeLegals.com%20/episodes/Evictions---Coronavirus-Eviction-Ban-How-to-Avoid-Costly-Common-Mistakes-efqbnr 23 @Creativelegals2
Around The Gavel By Morris Law Center soundcloud.com/morrislawcenter/affidavit-of-entitlement-around-the-gavel-episode-67 20 @MorrisLawCenter
Nossaman Llp spreaker.com/user/nossamanllp/digging-into-land-use-law-episode-1-reco 20 @nossamanlaw
Land Of A Billion omny.fm/shows/land-of-a-billion-1/what-land-of-a-billion-is-all-about 20 @TheQuint
Zona Law Group P.c. buzzsprout.com/887749/4151303-zona-law-attorneys-discuss-steps-for-property-managers-to-take-to-open-amenities.mp3 17
Bram Akkermans anchor.fm/bramakkermans/episodes/Trailer---PropertyCon-eggpmi 14 @PropConOnline
Katie Gray anchor.fm/uptodatepodcast/episodes/Up-To-Date-Podcast---Episode-1-ef9g91 12 @UptoDatePodcast
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