15 Best Prairie Public Radio Station Podcasts

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Prairie Public is a network of ten North Dakota radio stations. It is a service of Prairie Public Broadcasting, in association with North Dakota State University in Fargo. Prairie Public maintains active studios in Grand Forks, Fargo, and Bismarck. It provides National Public Radio news and programming, local and regional news, and two distinct music formats.

Prairie Public Podcasts

Here are 15 Best Prairie Public Podcasts worth listening to in 2024

1. Main Street

Main Street Main Street, hosted by Doug Hamilton and with contributor Ashley Thornberg, keeps its finger on the pulse of Prairie Public's broadcast region.
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Apple Rating 5 / 5Facebook Followers 12.5KTwitter Followers 3.7KInstagram Followers 2.3K Frequency 3 episodes / week Avg Length 49 min Listen on Apple Spotify YouTube Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com Copy email. We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.

2. Philosophical Discussions About Everyday Life

Philosophical Discussions About Everyday Life Join us each month as we engage in philosophical discussions about the most common-place topics with host Jack Russell Weinstein, professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at the University of North Dakota. He is the director of The Institute for Philosophy in Public Life.
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Email ****@prairiepublic.org
Apple Rating 5 / 5Facebook Followers 12.6KTwitter Followers 3.7KInstagram Followers 2.3K Frequency 1 episode / month Avg Length 70 min Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

3. Dakota Datebook

Dakota Datebook Stories of things that happened in North Dakota and vicinity. Sitting Bull to Phil Jackson, cattle to prairie dogs, knoefla to lefse. In partnership with the Historical Society of North Dakota, and funded by the North Dakota Humanities Council, a nonprofit, independent state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the program do not necessarily reflect those of the North Dakota Humanities Council or the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Podcast news.prairiepublic.org
Email ****@prairiepublic.org
Apple Rating 4.9 / 5Facebook Followers 12.5KTwitter Followers 3.7KInstagram Followers 2.3K Frequency 4 episodes / week Avg Length 3 min Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

4. TellTale: Dakota Folklife and Stories

TellTale: Dakota Folklife and Stories Enjoy a glimpse into the folklife and the heart of North Dakota! TellTale: Dakota Folklife and Stories is a collection of narratives describing the shared personal experiences and lore of life on the North Dakota plains. From stories of blizzards, to the man who climbed atop a windmill to play his accordion, to the fate of Poker Jim they originate from, and are shaped by, interviews with senior citizens, many of whom are from elder care facilities.
Podcast news.prairiepublic.org
Email ****@prairiepublic.org
Apple Rating 5 / 5Facebook Followers 11.9KTwitter Followers 3.7KInstagram Followers 2.3K Frequency 12 episodes / year Avg Length 7 min Since Oct 2020 Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

5. Plains Folk

Plains Folk Plains Folk is a commentary devoted to life on the great plains of North Dakota. Written by Tom Isern of West Fargo, North Dakota, and read in newspapers across the region for years, Plains Folk venerates fall suppers and barn dances and reminds us that more important to our thoughts than lines on a map are the essential characteristics of the region the things that tell what the plains are, not just where they are.
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Apple Rating 5 / 5Facebook Followers 11.9KTwitter Followers 3.7KInstagram Followers 2.3K Frequency 1 episode / week Avg Length 5 min Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

6. Natural North Dakota

Natural North Dakota Hosted by Chuck Lura, a biology professor at Dakota College in Bottineau. Chuck has a broad knowledge of Natural North Dakota and loves sharing that knowledge with others. Since 2005, he has written a weekly column, Naturalist at Large, for the Lake Metigoshe Mirror. His columns also appear under The Naturalist in several other weekly newspapers across North Dakota. Natural North Dakota is supported by NDSU Central Grasslands Research Extension Center and Dakota College at Bottineau, and by the members of Prairie Public.
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Apple Rating 4.6 / 5Facebook Followers 11.9KTwitter Followers 3.7KInstagram Followers 2.3K Frequency 1 episode / week Avg Length 3 min Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

7. Matt Olien's Movie Reviews

Matt Olien's Movie Reviews Television producer Matt Olien doubles as Prairie Public's resident movie critic, and uses his background in film studies and extensive knowledge of movie history to review a current film. Stay tuned until the end, where he's quizzed with obscure Oscar trivia.
Podcast news.prairiepublic.org
Email ****@prairiepublic.org
Apple Rating 3 / 5Facebook Followers 11.9KTwitter Followers 3.7KInstagram Followers 2.3K Frequency 5 episodes / week Avg Length 9 min Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

8. Breaking Barriers

Breaking Barriers Excerpts from the Red River Rainbow Seniors oral history project called Breaking Barriers: Harvesting LGBTQ Stories from the Northern Plains, which features stories from folks who grew up back when being out was socially unacceptable.
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Email ****@prairiepublic.org
Apple Rating 5 / 5Facebook Followers 12.5KTwitter Followers 3.7KInstagram Followers 2.3K Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

9. Main Street Eats with Root Seller Sue

Main Street Eats with Root Seller Sue Sue Balcom, owner of the Root Sellers Farm, is a blogger, author of four books, farmer's marketer, fabric artist, self-described bread head. And now, Sue is a regular guest on Main Street to talk with Ashley and Craig about community, family, and culinary traditions of North Dakota. For cool! Listen weekly on Main Street, or subscribe to the Main Street Eats with Root Seller Sue podcast on your favorite podcast app.
Podcast news.prairiepublic.org
Email ****@prairiepublic.org
Apple Rating 5 / 5Facebook Followers 12.5KTwitter Followers 3.7KInstagram Followers 2.3K Frequency 7 episodes / year Avg Length 17 min Listen on Apple YouTube Get Email Contact

10. The Thomas Jefferson Hour

The Thomas Jefferson Hour The Thomas Jefferson Hour is a weekly radio show & podcast. Humanities scholar Clay S. Jenkinson portrays the third president on the program.
Podcast jeffersonhour.com
Email ****@prairiepublic.org
Apple Rating 4.6 / 5Facebook Followers 5.2KTwitter Followers 790Instagram Followers 2.3K Listen on Apple Get Email Contact

11. Poems for the Moment

Poems for the Moment Prairie Public asked ten North Dakota writers to select one of their poems to serve as a commentary on the current point in history. Poems for the Moment is a broadcast and podcast series and funded by a grant from the ND Humanities Council.
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12. Hunger Free ND

Hunger Free ND Main Street hosts Ashley and Doug talk with people who are working in the Coalition to End Hunger in North Dakota. In this program celebrating the coalition's 10th anniversary, hear about rural grocery stores, getting children excited about nutrition, Meals on Wheels, mothers and food -- there's a lot to talk about.
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13. Dakota Datebook: 100 Years of Women Voting

Dakota Datebook: 100 Years of Women Voting A series about how the effort for women's suffrage roiled North Dakota for years, along with the rest of the country. The 19th Amendment finally became law in 1919, so it's a good time to look back at the characters, their arguments and actions, the defeats, close calls, and victories.
Podcast news.prairiepublic.org
Email ****@prairiepublic.org
Facebook Followers 12.5KTwitter Followers 3.7KInstagram Followers 2.3K Listen on Apple Spotify Get Email Contact

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Prairie Public Podcasters

Top podcast hosts and producers covering this topic. Get Spreadsheet
Podcaster Name Email Podcast Link Total Episodes Twitter Handle Twitter Followers
Ashley Thornberg news.prairiepublic.org/podcast/main-street 85 @prairiepublic 3.7K
Carole Butcher news.prairiepublic.org/podcast/dakota-datebook 29 @prairiepublic 3.7K
Prairie Public news.prairiepublic.org/podcast/dakota-datebook 26 @prairiepublic 3.7K
Tom Isern news.prairiepublic.org/podcast/plains-folk 19 @prairiepublic 3.7K
Chuck Lura news.prairiepublic.org/podcast/natural-north-dakota 17 @prairiepublic 3.7K
Sarah Walker news.prairiepublic.org/podcast/dakota-datebook 11 @prairiepublic 3.7K
Andrew Alexis Varvel news.prairiepublic.org/podcast/dakota-datebook 10 @prairiepublic 3.7K
Trista Raezer-Stursa news.prairiepublic.org/podcast/dakota-datebook 6 @prairiepublic 3.7K
Dr. Steve Hoffbeck news.prairiepublic.org/podcast/dakota-datebook 5 @prairiepublic 3.7K
Ann Alquist news.prairiepublic.org/podcast/dakota-datebook 3 @prairiepublic 3.7K
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